Summer has seemed to finally come here in Seattle (it's about damn time!), so I thought it would be appropriate to post one of my favorite Bumblebee Unlimited cuts, "I Got A Big Bee" off of the classic disco LP Sting Like A Bee. It definitely took me some time to get into Bumblebee Unlimited, especially because the vocals are so high pitched, kind of like singing bees I guess. However, once you get used to that, you realize that this group produced some solid disco tracks. While I find that most people identitify Bumblebee Unlimited as another classic Patrick Adams project, I find that most of the songs were written, produced, and arranged by Gregory Carmichael, whom has helped produce disco artists like Inner Life, Pam Todd & Love Exchange, and Universal Robot Band among others. Anyways, it's taken me sometime to fully get into the Bumblebee Unlimited, however I must say I got a copy of Sting Like A Bee coming in the mail, and I'm very excited!
Bumblebee Unlimited - I Got A Big Bee
pweeeeeeeeeep!! this is too good.
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