Sorry about not getting a post up today. I've been taking care of my dog "Nacho", who was sick and needed surgery today, which by the way, is pretty much bankrupting me. That being said if there is anything I love more than disco music and records, besides obviously my wife, it's my dog. Good news is he's going to be alright, however it will be nice to get him back home from the dog hospital. Anyways, I'm sure the dog lovers out there will definitely understand where I'm coming from.
...And for those that need a little something to get them through the night, here is Sweet Potato's late 70's disco percussion explosion and Loft classic in "Hot Disco Night". Hopefully tomorrow will be back to "somewhat" normal, however no promises...
Best of luck with Nacho. I'm sure it will turn out well: he has a loving home.
Hi, just wanted to thank you 4 putting up another tune even though ur dog is under the weather. I wish the poor little chap a speedy recovery.
Best of luck to Nacho!
Prayers from Atlanta for Nacho.
Good thoughts for Nacho! I can relate, I've had cocker spaniels and have done whatever it takes to get and keep them healthy.
I totally understand, a pet becomes a family member. I hope all turns out well and without costing an arm and a leg. op's can get quite expensive...
Hope little Nacho is by now recovered. Thanks for all the memories. H
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