Here is one of my favorite cuts from one of my favorite disco tag-teams consisting of Laurin Rinder and Michael Lewis, better known as Rinder & Lewis. The track, entitled "Lust", was one of the many standout cuts on arguelbly one of the group's best album's, entitled Seven Deadly Sins. The album, as you can imagine, follows along the "seven deadly sins" theme and is composed of seven songs including "Lust", "Sloth", "Gluttony", "Pride", "Envy (Animal Fire)", "Anger", and "Covetousness". One for every sin as they say. To be honest, there's not a lot of sinning going on here with this album, however a lot of great instrumental disco music. This record also remains to be one of the hardest-to-find of the many Rinder & Lewis produced records. If composing these songs is a sin, than it's safe to say that both Laurin Rinder and Michael Lewis will be completely forgiven by almost everyone who hears these gems.
Could just be me, but this track is not playing properly at all.
re-up plzplz..
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