As you might imagine, I try to spend a major portion of my day seeking out music either through the internet or at record shops. It seems like lately I've been coming across a lot of great funky jazz records that I had personally never heard before. One of the more interesting records I recently came across is Astro Can Caravan's 2008 funky jazz twelve The Nagual Julian EP. The record features three superbly crafted tracks including "The Nagual Julian", "Athatoolagooloo", and "Cosmo Jones " that all have a consistently funky African and/or Ethio jazz feel to them. After hearing this record, I immediately became intrigued with the group and found that they are based out of Kuopio, Finland and will be actually releasing a new full-length album this month titled Planet Caravan. I must have completely missed them the first time around when they released The Nagual Julian EP. I guess as the saying goes, it's better late than never, especially when it comes to music. That being said, I now can look forward to catching them this time around as they prepare for their upcoming full-length release this month. Until then, I will be fully digesting their The Nagual Julian EP, which is certainly one of the best "newer" jazz twelves I've heard in quite sometime. Enjoy!
Thanks for the recommendation Tyrgyistan. I went ahead and checked out more music on the label, and I'm really enjoying a lot of their releases especially Jukka Eskola's "Walkover" LP.
Ricky Tick is THE LABEL for finnish jazz and fusion on vinyl single format for the last five years or so.
Thanks for the recommendation Tyrgyistan. I went ahead and checked out more music on the label, and I'm really enjoying a lot of their releases especially Jukka Eskola's "Walkover" LP.
Thanks again.
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