It's Friday and there's definitely better things to do than stare at a computer screen, so I'm going to keep this short and very sweet with a solid Raul Rodriguez extended mix of Tantra's disco gem "Get Happy". This track along with an extended mix of another classic Tantra cut "Top Shot" are featured on the group's 1980 twelve-inch single entitled The Double Remix. I was excited to find a copy of this record about 6 months ago, especially because "Get Happy" is a personal all-time favorite of mine. Plus if your a huge Tantra fan, like myself, collecting any and all of their records is definitely an enjoyable process. With that being said, get out and go enjoy the weekend!
Tantra - Get Happy (Raul Rodriguez Remix)
dope, thanks
Hi Pat
any idea who´s behind this Landed Boogie
?? thanks
mmm love Tantra. been dying for a copy of the Double Album for quite a while now but don't wanna pay $$$. found my copy of the Double Remix along with the Easy Going remix 12" and Ma-Cum-Ba, all for a buck a piece.
keep up the good work!
Mr. B - I don't know who's behind the track. But it definitely sounds hot! Great re-edit record. Thanks for pointing it out.
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