I've had a very long day as I get ready for my three day trip up to Seattle. That being said, I still have plenty of things to get finished before I leave tomorrow morning so I'm going to keep this short with Air Power's 1979 disco classic "Be Yourself". I picked up original copy of this single a couple years back and have been enjoying it ever since. Enjoy!
love this cut, i put this in the category of self help disco, which i listen to whenever i'm feeling lacking. it might not be the most insightful thing said, but no question it's true. you can't be me, i can't be you, just do what you wanna do.
wow, this is seriously good.
I don't think the producers/members of Air Power give much credence to the maxim: "Brevity is the soul of wit".
Nonetheless, that's why afficianados of disco such as myself love these songs - precisely because of their bombast and over the top good fun!
I'm sure our gracious host Monsieur Les Stache would concur!
Thank you so much for posting this. I can't believe I've lived my life without this song until now. Ay ay ay, so good...
love this cut, i put this in the category of self help disco, which i listen to whenever i'm feeling lacking. it might not be the most insightful thing said, but no question it's true. you can't be me, i can't be you, just do what you wanna do.
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