When I first started this blog, I found myself constantly trying to check out other people's music blogs and sites. As time has gone on and I've become a lot more busy in my day-to-day schedule I haven't been able to keep up as much as I have liked. Therefore I wanted to ask all of you, the readers of this blog, some of the music sites that you check out and recommend. I know there has to be many new ones that have popped up over the last few years that I haven't learned about or checked out yet and would love to get some feedback and/or recommendations.
I also invite everyone to give me some feedback regarding this site. I've felt that there has been a real lack of back-and-forth communication, therefore I would love to know how everyone is enjoying the day-to-day posts. Are there any recommendations or requests. Please feel free to fill up the comments section. I look forward to hearing from everyone!
this blog is one of the main music blogs that I visit..and it is a wonderful compendium of great music... however I especially enjoy when a classic disco tune is posted... I am sure many of your readers like the African music and the jazz but I get goose bumps when you post a disco dance tune
your blog is one my all time favorite and the only one which provide great tunes daily. thanks for you great job ! keep on pushing!
Hi Pat, I read your blog from Istanbul, Turkey,
I do check it everyday like I check my hotmail account, I really enjoy your posts, I personally like finding out new disco tunes that I never heard before but also nice to learn about afro and latin music.
Many thanks for your efforts and great edits.
some other blogs...
hello pat, i was and still am an admirer and follower of your blog. keep on your good work!!! best regards, keep-it-deep blog!
Love the blog,i go to it first thing every morning. In particular i like the disco,/funk & jazz funk tuneage the best,thank you for sharing the tuneage with us all.
this blog http://amonsieurwillyworld.blogspot.com/search/label/Disco%2012%22 is quite good for 70s disco,although the wordage is a bit thin on the ground. Beat Electric,top blog(only you know that right)Fullundie from Holland was another really good blog until they took it off.
For top jazz downloads http://flageolette.blogspot.com/search/label/Jazz-Funk?updated-max=2009-09-23T16%3A20%3A00%2B02%3A00&max-results=20
As for a request only the amazing Tara Schaft & Black Diamond - New York City Dream.(b side to a not very good "WHAT NOW MY LOVE"
Hi Pat! I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I check your blog everyday, it's on the main group of musical sites i visit. Many beautiful tracks & muzik
Other sites i like:
Acid Jazz Hispano:
Sccucci Manucci:
Best Regards!
Random request:
I'm looking for the original track that "Mirror Dance" by Afefe Iku is based on, after hearing it on a mix a year ago.
Love the blog.
loving this blog even more with the new afrobeat/free jazz kick. keep it up!
Check your blog once a week thanks for all the music. Don't know how it could be done or if you care but if there was a rating system for each song you posted might be cool.
For full albums and intelligent write-ups about them I highly recommend...
Thanks everyone who has responded, it's great to hear from my readers from time to time. I'm glad people continue to enjoy the site even as I continue to expand the boundaries of the groups and music I cover. When a blog has been around as long as this one (over 4 years now), it's important to keep things fresh and exciting and that's why I have started to write more about other crossover genres like Afro beat and Latin jazz. I will always keep coming back to disco, however the only way I see this blog surviving throughout the years is to keep expanding musically.
Once again I appreciate everyone's comments. I look forward to hearing from those that haven't yet commented as well as checking out all the sites that have shared.
Thanks again.
-Pat Les Stache
Yes, as for myself too, i love reading your blog, and i too love when you post DISCO STUFF, the recent one by LOVE EXCHANGE 1978 was great, keep posting these informations always interresting to learn and groove, by the way i love the stuff from 76-77-78, thanks Chris !
This blog is seriously so wonderful. You always post such a great mix of tunes, the best variety of any disco blog I read.
Really enjoy your blog!
Sometimes I can't believe how much disco there still is to disco-ver. That never seems to end which is a music lover's pleasure and a music addict' s pain...
Check out this nice blog i found:
Hi Pat,
Like most of your other followers, I check in daily to your blog and I never fail to learn something new about disco and also the rich history behind it. In my opinion, it is right up there as one of the best disco blogs around. Thank you for your a sterling job and I love the afro-disco and latin-jazz direction you're taking the blog in. Can 't recommend any other sites at this point in time. Its hard juggling blog searching and looking after a toddler. Just can't keep up! It would be awesome too if you could find the opportunity to come down to Sydney , Australia sometime in the future and do a couple of disco-themed sets around town!
Best wishes,
1) This cite keeps it very real and funky.
2) I have come to appreciate disco in a way in which i never imagined--so thanks.
3) The selection and genres are rich.
4) Request??? Some funky-ass shit from james brown or,once in a while, some northern soul from the sweets or similar groups
5) Suggestions??? I can't think of anything that you need to do to keep the cite or the music relevant--but if i do i will let you know asap.
will you be spinning in new york city anytime soon ?
I check every post.
I'm more into the African Disco and Jazz than the straight disco. More to the point, my favorite song you've posted is Black Soul's "Mangous Ye."
Blogs I would recommend
none of those blogs post much disco, but they're good.
Netherlands 2010-05-14
Hi Pat,
Keep up the nice work you deliver daily on your Blog.
Love the post...
Here are some favourite blogs & sites of my collection:
http://www.digthis.nl (Dj Maestro)
http://www.filestube.com (find almost every track you want here)
http://www.discogs.com (the largest database of musicsians, labels, tracks)
Thanks once again for all the comments! I really love hearing from everyone. One thing that I'm happy to see is that people have seemed to really enjoy some of the other genres like Afro beat and latin jazz that I'm now incorporating into the blog. I think the mixture of all the genres tends to keep things more fresh and a bit more diverse. My favorite deejays are the ones that can tend to mix some of these more crossover tracks into their deejay sets. i find it can be quite challenging yet very fulfilling when done to perfection.
On another note, Cabana Disco finally got pressed and it should be out in stores next week for sure! I apoligize for the delay. The pressing plant fell a few weeks behind and that is what caused the delay. Anyways, I look forward to hearing from everybody of what they think about the new record.
Thanks again for all the support! Please continue to keep those comments and suggestions coming!
aka Pat Les Stache
I noticed someone else mentioned the:
This guy has posted some amazing and rare as rocking horse sh*t tracks and all in amazing high quality and he hardly has any comments at all, not even a few thank-you's so I suggest everyone get over there and show him some love!
Blogs like this one & creamofdiscoconnection are so rare (as so many blogs these days just rip other blogs posts and present them as their own find without any reference to the original poster!) in the sense you are getting material you just could not find elsewhere!
For example, he has posted the ultra-rare Black Blood 'Amanda' album from 1976 (I think you will like this one too TJ!) of 'AIE A Mwana' fame:
tell him the saucer people sent you ;)
saucer person dead right Pat,i requeted tara schaft. and he posted it in seconds,if you don't have this lp it's worth d/loadind for the "New York City Dream" tune only.
all you other disco addicts get on board with this lp it's as rare as rocking horse poo (kept that clean)
Dear Stache,
Luv the Athlete; always check it immediately after B.E. which is my main boogie hookup. Yr focus on the disco diaspora sets the whole spot apart from the rest - the latin and afro funk is tops and I haven't found another blog that covers it with as much passion and excellence as yours. Tracks from A.A. have slain sweaty (living room) dance floors in montana on several happy occasions, and I look forward to whatever it is you're about to lay on us in the coming years. Megacheers.
Just have to say, that I LOVE your blog, and have been blessed to follow it. Keep it up... Only word of advise, is we LOVE high quality MP3's. Of course, that's me being selfish... :) But the higher quality the better.
Wow, I love your site man, mostly because you keep it so regular and up to date with some serious tunes on a daily basis!
I enjoy hearing the music rather than just reading about it and that is a nice quality here. Therefore i am often one to go with sites like www.holdboxflat.com where they have 2hr podcasts every few weeks with lots of great tunes new and old.
Gilles Peterson is singing your praises lately and his site is also good for keeping up with the music, not to mention his radio show.
Also if i could ad www.intheblackbox.eu where you can get podcasts with a real eclectic sound.. some good posts.. though need to keep it more fresh and updated.
Great work here man...
Loving it!
Hi Pat, AA is one of my favorites too and you hopefully never get sick & tired of sharing the heat. As you requested other blogs, here's a few that you might know or not...
I've bookmarked around 100+ music blogs, let me know what you're looking for...
Pat - I check your site out everyday for the pat few years my god man - and I've loved it all - especially the Funky underground tunes!
Tony - The Greek-Australian Old School Tune lover from Down-Under!
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