One thing is for certain, the more music I hear from Asha Puthli, the more I like. About a year ago, I picked up her solid 1978 album L'Indiana and I've pretty much been of fan of her music ever since. The record consists of some solid funky cuts like "I'm Gonna Dance", "Mr. Moonlight", "Music Machine", and "I'll See You Around". From what I've been able to hear from her, L'Indiana is one of her more funkier albums. That being said, I recommend checking out any and all records that you might come across from this artist. Until then, enjoy "I'm Gonna Dance".
Hi buddy
check this, DISCO DEMANDS vol.4 is out..
You should do a post on it... Al Kent deserves it
Her song "lies" is out of control. So is space talk... never heard these (lookin forward to dl)...
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